We lost our dog this week. She was twelve and a half, quite arthritic, and I knew we’d be lucky if she made it to 13. Still it was hard. She was in pain, and all her organs were shutting down.
She lived with, loved, and played with all our cats. They slept with her in winter. They miss her greatly, as do we.
It was nice to be her alpha – you knew where I was in the house by where she was. A good ole dog. She loved the ocean, kongs, tennis balls, her people, food, and her cats. She played with them wonderfully, and slept with them in the winter. One of our cats, Phoenix, was the same color as she, and seemed to think she was his mother. He slept with her year-round – in summer away from her heat, but with a paw out to touch her. She missed him when we lost him two years ago, now his successors miss her.
I finished my Hempathy sweater two weeks ago, and took photos of it finished. Kaitlin is in the lower right corner, and Barnum in the upper left.
I also finally blocked my Seraphim shawl. Actually got photos WITHOUT cats in them!
I got to Stitches East for about 2 hours on the Friday. Had fun, didn’t get a lot – saw new Karida of (Neighborhood Fiber Co. )
and old friends (Ann &
Philosopher’s Wool), and snapped a photo of Kaffe Fassett.
And attended Amy, ’s

Currently focused on one thing in particular, with two others screaming for “their” turns next:
1. the Pearl Buck Swing Jacket from Interweave Knits – in the new “Best of” book, and I believe, Winter ’05 issue. I’m using Sublime Cashmere Merino Silk. Glorious, glorious yarn – I just adore working with it. Started it on October 16 (b-day present to myself to buy the yarn), and only have a sleeve and a half to go before starting the finishing! Hope to finish it by this Tuesday. Photos when finished.
2. The next Tofutsies Sock Club sock. It’s for display at A Tangled Skein,
3. Artamus shawl from Knitpicks, out of the yarn called for. Really want it done too.
More sooner than before. Back to the Pearl Buck Jacket.