I’ve become obsessed with my Seraphim shawl. I just love the yarn, Jade Sapphire’s Cashmere-Silk. It’s a rich rich red called Ruby Slippers, sheer heaven to touch, knit with, and I’m loving the way the shawl is looking. It’s stockinette for the first half or two thirds, and then goes to these lovely lacy patterns. Shown here with my cat Snowball as the nice white background. (photo taken by my sweet husband). I’m over half-way through the third chart, with only the edge chart, and the edging, bind-off to go. The only problem is were having a mini-heatwave, and even with AC it's getting hot knitting this -- it's going to be a VERY warm shawl!

I’m also working on the Koigu Jazz Cardigan – I’m loving it too – but I knew when I bought the yarn for it how much I love Koigu – I always said it was my favorite yarn that Yarns International sold – and I liked most of the yarns they sold! The Jazz pattern has turned out to be quite easy – so it’s currently my carry around project. Socks are languishing right now – but never fear, I’ll be back to them soon. I’ve got to finish the Panda cotton socks for my friend Lorraine before July 13th – she’s off to Nantucket for two weeks, and will need socks some of those cooler nights there.

Back to the shawl.
The pic might be what it takes for me to buy some Koigu for the Chevron scarf. And, I'm knitting socks now, an unusual occurrence, so I guess the tides have shifted.
Ooooooh. Seraphim is looking great!
Okay, I want to try again. I think I figured out why my comments were not posted... Thanks so much for all your help. I love that koigu.... Your socks are awesome too....You are a Master!
WOW! I wish I could get my hands on some Koigu. Maybe A Tangled Skein should get on that year-long wait list?
P.S. It's been such a pleasure working with you these past few weeks!
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