I’m sure, most folks, if you’re reading this, you’ve been there – a yarn appears in front of you, a beautiful colorway in a luscious yarn, and forget it, forget NOT starting anything new – forget ALL the other projects you SHOULD be knitting – you’ve GOT to buy the yarn, AND you’ve got to start working with it NOW!
Well, the new Alpaca Sox yarn from Classic Elite is just such a yarn. It arrived this week at
A Tangled Skein,, and when my female boss arrived Saturday at the store (the proprietors are one of each sex), she told me about it, and we dug around, found it – and I was in love. I don’t even care that the socks’ll have to be HANDWASHED – the yarn is SOOO yummy to hand – and the colorway I got, very dark autumn colors, is delightful to behold! As soon as we had put the store labels on the skeins, one was quickly whisked off to the swift and ball winder, and I dug in my knitting bag and found a set of double points, just the right size (0 US [2 mm]) for my basic socks. I immediately cast-on, and started the ribbing on a pair of socks for my husband.

Now you may ask, WHY, when this yarn is so luscious and wonderful, am I knitting the socks FOR MY HUSBAND???? One main reason – everything I’ve knit out of Alpaca has been too hot for me to wear for very long, no matter how wonderful the yarn was to knit with – I get hot easily, (I am so glad the weather has finally cooled down from our hot summer ), and even in winter, my socks come off quickly when home – and I end up in just my slippers, which go on and off as my feet go hot, then cold, etc. Whereas my wonderful husband has perpetually COLD feet, even in summer, and especially in winter – so toasty warm Alpaca socks will be perfect for him!
This is ONLY the fourth sock yarn in a month that has seduced me – and so far, only one of the four is going to be MINE!
The first was the Claudia Handpainted 100% Superwash wool in a Chocolate color – it’s becoming socks for my husband, specifically for his Civil War music gigs – I’m knitting the first full pattern in Nancy Bush’s Vintage Socks book, not quite 1860s, but 1880s.

And then, in a similar yarn, but a much different color, I just knit a pair of socks for a fellow choir members BIG birthday today – out of Karida’s
Neighborhood Fiber Co.. sock yarn in the Dupont Circle colorway – deep pink with purple overtones – very right for my friend.

The third is the one I dyed myself in a workshop at Tangled Skein with Karida—and because those will be for me, they’ll end up being the last ones finished of these four. I'll post a photo next post.
And yes, I’m FINISHING things. I finished my Jade Sapphire cashmere/silk “Ruby Slippers” Seraphim shawl. Just needs blocking. (There’s beginning to be a queue of things to block [note to self: BLOCK SHAWLS next WEEKEND!]) And besides the birthday socks my husband has gotten a new cotton/wool pair. And I finished the second sock club Tofutsies socks.

My assistant Bailey, just answered the phone, and she says it’s for me – the person on the other end doesn’t speak cat.

And now I’m off to knit more, finish some socks, maybe a sweater . . . .But FINISH something!