And other oddities . . . .
I realize I haven’t blogged in months – life has been very full. Our son has made great strides at his school, and because of this, we now are visiting him regularly, which takes a minimum of three days a month . . . . .
One of several exciting things with him, is he ASKED me to make him socks AND a hat! Below are the socks (suppose to be Washington Redskins colors, didn’t’ quite work – so they’re LSU socks –Skins socks to be done as soon as I get the right gold yarn)

And above, son in the hat, in the St. Louis Cardinals colors – white and red. And enjoying his favorite Starbucks coffee – Peppermint Mocha white Chocolate Latte (hey, he’s 16 and a half . . . .)
I’ve been working on lots of socks, and finishing my goddaughter’s Christmas present, (below)
And then I’ve been busy with my Christmas present – a new dog! His name is Guthrie (after Woody & Arlo). He’s a Cardigan Corgi (not a Pembrooke) Cardigan’s have tails, and MUCH bigger ears then Pembroke, and actually are a bit bigger, and not related except WAAAY back. He’s wonderful, though I’ll be glad when he’s out of the chewing phase – he’s chewed some knitting needles, annnnnd, created the need for me to make THREE sleeves for my goddaughter’s sweater.
He chewed the EDGE of the sleeve – but there was no way to fix it, without frogging the whole sleeve – probably only about two yards of yarn were ruined, but is was in the first two rows of the sleeve. This was done in his first week with us. He’s seven months old this weekend, and he’s been with us for five weeks.
And I’ve been working a lot at A Tangled Skein, – which celebrated its first anniversary on January 23rd, where we had festive Sit and Stitch – and then on Friday, January 25th we partied late – starting an anniversary sale at 9 p.m. Wine, cheese, cupcakes, and other goodies to celebrate – I think at least 70 folks came through between 7 p.m. and midnight to help celebrate – I know there were 30 folks there by 9 p.m. My sweet husband supplied music all evening – and (here’s how I ended up on U-Tube) I’d made the mistake of telling my bosses that I knew a song about knitting – so I was asked to sing it – and my “friend” Cici,
of the Hook & I, suggested I post the words, so here they are:
Old Green Sweater
© 1985 Dan Berggren
1. Somebody made this old sweater,
Of six or seven big green balls of yarn
Look how it surrounds me, how it wraps around me
Just like being hugged by loving arms
I don't know the name of the farmer,
I don't suppose that I ever will,
No I never met him, but I can't forget him
He's the one who raised the sheep and sheared the wool.
You know I love my old green sweater,
I've worn it for years and it's still good as new
There's just one thing that warms me better,
That's your love, that's you.
2. Somebody made this old sweater,
You can tell that it wasn't by machine
Cause Every stitch of every row was knitted nice and slow
from some wool that was dyed so dark and green.
Who took the time to clean the fleece and to card it,
I don't suppose I'll ever know.
Who did all the spinning, that was only the beginning,
Before love was knitted into row.
3. Some folks have drawers just jammed with sweaters
While other folks have none to keep them warm
Well I have one that's got your touch,
That's why it means so much,
And I'll wear it when it's mended or it's torn.
Somebody made this old sweater,
Of six or seven big green balls of yarn
Look how it surrounds me, how it wraps around me
Just like being hugged by loving arms
Looking over the words, I actually didn’t do too badly with them. . . .
Martha, of Knitcrit and the founder of the SSKer’s (Silver Spring Knitters [MD]) brought to our group’s attention this interesting sweater from Unicorn Press done in Garter Stitch panels, then put together with three needle bind offs between each panel. I’m loving it – and looking forward to wearing it too! I made it out of Noro’s Kurchoran, which is heavenly.
Oh yes – the new Noro Sock Yarn is great. It’s coarser to knit then most socks yarns, but I love knitting with it, and once washed (by hand, in cool water, air dried) it is very soft, and the socks are very comfortable to wear! I’ve made one pair, and have a sock and a half of a second pair.
So hopefully I’ll be blogging a bit more often, and now I’m heading back to more knitting at the moment – trying to finish more projects then I start new ones. . . . . .
Congrats on your YouTube debut! Great song!
Welcome back to blogland! I've missed you!
Yes,,, it's nice to hear from you in the blog world... You did a great job on the song and I am happy to have all the words... I am sure by the next celebration you will get it down pack, and I will be ready to video tape you again. That sweater is beautiful, it was fun to see you knit it through all the stages. Lastly that Gutherie is quite a ham I can tell already. Let's together try to post more often(I also have been neglecting the blog)in 2008!
Thanks for the updates and photos. Hope to see you soon.
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